Macrosine is the only product specifically designed to rapidly achieve Essential Eight Maturity Level Three for Microsoft Office macros
Essential Eight
Eight steps to better cyber security
Cyber threats are a constant reality. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) understands this and has taken action by arming us with the Essential Eight. The Essential Eight is a best-practice framework based on a set of key mitigation strategies that has been widely adopted by government and commercial organisations and is endorsed by the cyber security industry. In some industries and sectors it has been mandated by government policy, while in others, organisations can aim for their own maturity level based on their specific risk appetite. ACSC Essential Eight
The Essential Eight defines maturity levels against each strategy ranging from 0 (nothing) to 3 (ideal). Achieving Maturity Level 3 for each mitigation strategy, whilst ideal, might not always be achievable for some organisations, however, the accepted approach is to decide on an achievable target state and accept the risk that comes with lower maturity levels.
The strategies within the Essential Eight are…
Application control
Patch applications
Configure Microsoft Office macro settings
User application hardening
Restrict administration privileges
Patch operating systems
Multi-factor authentication
Regular backups
Essential Eight Maturity Level 3 for Office macros can be achieved in a matter of days with a combination of Macrosine and the associated Windows policy settings. Macrosine provides the technical capability for rapidly assessing and applying digital signatures to macro-enabled files, and Windows device controls ensure that only macros with a digital signature can run.
By using Macrosine for Essential Eight compliance, the business impact and effort required to achieve and maintain Maturity Level 3 is significantly reduced. People within your business will no longer require security specialists to manually assess lines and lines of technical code. To support the transition and implementation of the necessary security controls, Macrosine includes detailed documentation that can be included for training and communication purposes and the product is so intuitive to use that enabling users can be done in a matter of minutes.
With Macrosine you can retain all of the productivity of Microsoft Office macros, achieve the highest possible security maturity level, ensure the lowest business impact, and align your business with the advice set forth in the Essential Eight.
Contact Us to make Essential Eight compliance for Office macros a good news story for your organisation today.